This period of post-Covid 19 has no doubt taken its toll on the economy of our Nation and that of our partners. Funding orphanages in these difficult and trying times.
It has left in its wake the following attendant issues:-
– Many have lost their means of livelihood, jobs, and business
-Fear of the risk of contracting the dreaded covid 19 which has ravaged the economies and social lives of many western countries
– Social distancing restrictions imposed by the government has reduced visits and the attendant supports to orphanages
-Sudden increase in the cost of fuel resulting to an increase in the cost of delivery of packages to orphanages
– Increase in electricity tariffs, leading to the additional cost of providing comfort in the homes.
There is a need to look urgently for means of survival of Orphanages in these times and also maintain the required standard and quality of care for our children, while also ensuring efficient operation of our homes.
In view of the above constraints, we suggest the following:-
- An updated website is now a necessity. Many prospective donors often go online to search out homes to You need to have an up-to-date website, telling your story, your antecedents ie who you are, your vision. It should also capture some of your achievements so far and outline clearly some of your urgent needs and projects. Students studying ICT can download a free website online, design it at a cheap cost and you pay yearly subscriptions for the hosting of the website.
- Demonstrate closeness to your partners; -send prayers and encouragement text periodically to your partner to portray your identifying with them in these current challenges they may be passing through.
- Keep and maintain a clean healthy environment to avoid children falling sick resulting in unbudgeted medical expenses and for first impressions on visitors.
-Children should be kept clean and tidy, -well cropped, if the hair is not pleated.
-Children and staff should wear a face mask when they need to pray for or attend to visitors.
-Have hand sanitizers, provision for hand wash outside, well designated for the safety of children and for visitors
- Be personally available especially to receive first-time visitors to be able to express first hand your urgent needs because they may not open up to your staff
- Write letters to corporate organizations attaching your certifications/approval letters stating specific projects or products produced by the company. Please DO NOT request for money but specific projects or items, except it, are absolutely necessary salaries.
- Write to big supermarkets requesting for their products because they would sometimes have food items nearing expiration due to the lockdown
- Write to schools requesting discounts on fees or outright scholarships.
- Respond to request for urgent needs as school sponsorship. Request fees are paid direct to schools Ensure you send performance reports to all sponsors and appreciation text messages for fees paid and consistent support/sponsorship.
- Maintain integrity and efficiency in your operation by printing a receipt booklet. Receipts should be issued for every donation made by visitors and text messages sent out for online transfers received.
- Advocate through the association for free medicals from government hospitals and health care centers.
- Make use of your garden space or empty land in the compound if any to plant vegetables and rear chickens/goats/fish ponds
- Keep the older children busy during this lockdown period by partnering with NGOs to teach them to make items like sanitizers, detergents, and antiseptic, bleach, etc which can be branded and displayed in the home and also sold. These are still greatly in demand
- Maintain simple accounting record, Receipt booklet, Donation register, petty cash register for cash expenses, cheque register for cheque/Bank transactions, cash settlement vouchers, and cheque payment vouchers to evidence payments. This is necessary to prepare audited accounts which will be required for international grants and for local grants on request.
We need to put these things in place in preparation for our next level. So that opportunity does not meet you unprepared.
- PRAYERS; – This is ABSOLUTELY IMPORTANT. It is the force that moves the hand of God to touch your divine helpers. Gather the children to pray together in agreement asking God to send helpers of destiny to locate and favour the Orphanage. – Matthew 18:19
We have to think out of the box to meet up with the challenges of the new normal post-COVID 19. You cannot keep doing the same thing, the same way, and expect a different result. The Times have changed.